Highlights | 最新活动
The association wishes all members and associates an auspicious Chinese New Year! May this New Year bring you prosperity good luck and good fortune! Thanks and regards, Web portal management team
誠邀您及您家人出席參與:“鄭氏宗亲第三届尾牙聚餐”日期:13/01/2019(星期天)時間:1.00pm地點:和麗軒貴賓房(Austin High)費用: RM 50.00/位(75歲以上家族宗親宗長免費招待)欲知更多详情或報名,...
The association wishes all members and associates Merry Christmas 2018 and Happy New Year 2019. Wish you happiness during Christmas 2018 and New Year 2019, and happy holidays. Thanks and regards, Web portal management team
The association wishes all members and associates Happy National Day 2018. Wish you happiness during National Day 2018, and happy holidays. Thanks and regards, Web portal management team
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